The Report — April 2024
We are thrilled to receive such positive feedback about The Report. Thank you for your incredible support, which continues to drive our mission of transforming Oregon's vulnerable communities into vibrant, inclusive spaces where everyone can thrive.
Here are some highlights of our achievements from last month:
Community Health
Spring Health Fair
On March 16th, East County Community Health hosted its first Spring Health Fair of the year, providing the community with access to a range of resources from community-based organizations (CBOs). This free event included free vaccines, dental exams, nursing services, complimentary haircuts, and fun activities like face painting and balloon making. We were delighted to welcome 230 individuals, including representatives from 23 CBOs and vendors.
Food Pantry
We have heartwarming news about our recent collaboration with Portland Adventist Community Services (PACS) at the monthly Rockwood CDC food pantry event. Thanks to the dedicated efforts of our East County Community Health team, we served 37 households from our community. Moments like this underscore the impact we can make by providing nutritious food to children and families in need. We deeply appreciate your generosity, which enables us to address food insecurity and promote well-being in our Rockwood neighborhood.
Health Education Sessions
East County Community Health remains committed to addressing the increased usage of tobacco, especially among BIPOC communities. In March, our Tobacco Use Education and Resources session attracted attendees from diverse ethnic backgrounds including Swahili, Spanish, Vietnamese, and Burmese, with over 40 participants—the largest turnout yet! This event was a significant milestone, bringing together various cultural groups to foster community connection and mutual learning. By combining education and social awareness across ethnicities, we are taking steps towards reducing tobacco use and promoting healthier lifestyles in our impacted communities.
Everybody Bikes!
East County Community Health (ECCH) has teamed up with Everybody Bikes!, a program dedicated to providing bikes, helmets, and safety tools to residents of all ages. Our community health workers also sign families up for OHP (state health insurance) while their children shop for bikes, making sure every family has the healthcare they need to thrive. In just three months, this collaboration has made a significant impact, distributing 19 bikes in January and 24 in March. But it's more than just numbers; we've witnessed children traveling by bus to collect bikes for themselves and their families, highlighting the program's broad reach and transformative effect.
Economic Development:
March All-HUB with Diana Moreno
Our March ALL-HUB Networking Meeting was a resounding success, focusing on the fundamentals of business planning with a presentation by Diana Moreno, Director of the Small Business Development Center at Mt. Hood Community College. 17 enthusiastic individuals attended, eager to absorb insights on business planning. We extend our gratitude to AlmaLuna LLC for providing translation services and Kuya Fred’s Cuisine for treating the community to delicious Filipino cuisine. Attendees left the meeting inspired and equipped with valuable knowledge ready to apply in their businesses.
We are immensely grateful for your continued support and trust. As a result of your support, lives are not only transformed, but our community's future is also brighter.
If you have questions or want more information about specific programs, please contact us. Here's to another month of creating positive change in impacted communities.
Let's continue to make a difference together.
Brad and Lynn
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