Bringing Vaccinations to the people of East Multnomah County

The 24-hour news cycle has been incredibly sad and exhausting recently. And frankly, we are all in need of some good news.

We are so proud of how our team has been present in the midst of what feels like a never-ending health crisis. Would you like a little good news?

In communities like Rockwood, there are big barriers to getting vaccinated. They include, but are not limited to: fear, transportation, lack of trust, employment schedules, and misinformation. For these reasons the vaccination has been avoided or has simply been out of reach for many residents.

Let me introduce our East County Community Health team. These 10 people are mostly from East Multnomah County and entirely for East County.

These neighbors work alongside some of our key partners such as Providence, Medical teams International, Wallace, and Multnomah County Public Health to bring vaccination clinics to the people of East County.

Instead of expecting the community to come to them ECCH goes out into the community; meeting families, and individuals, where they are at.

And the results have been profound:

  • The team has held 13 vaccination clinics, eight of which took place in August alone.
  • During those 13 clinics, they have vaccinated over 210 people.
  • A stunning 97% of those receiving vaccinations belong to Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) communities
  • There have been more than eight ethnicities and races represented including: Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Somali, Black, Romanian, Pacific Islander, Native American, and White.

ECCH’s team of community health workers have made significant efforts to overcome as many barriers to receiving the vaccine as possible. The team’s diversity has made it possible to accommodate multi-faceted cultural differences so that people are comfortable, confident, and safe.

We realize that this might sound like we are bragging about the ECCH team. Well, we admit it. We are doing just that.

We commend and celebrate their commitment, compassion, generosity, and endurance in a season where hope can be found wanting.

With all of this in mind, if you or someone you know needs a vaccination but has been hesitant to follow through, we encourage you to reach out to the ECCH team for a list of their upcoming clinics. You can contact ECCH on their website.

If you want to join us in celebrating this good news and further funding for their tireless work, you can make a donation or simply write a note of encouragement.

Thanks for allowing us to take a few minutes to brag about the amazing people who serve the East County community.


Sponsor a Vaccination Event

Are you interested in having your business or organization sponsor a vaccination event? Contact us and we’ll follow up with different sponsorship options.

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